
Friday, July 19, 2019

Bummer -- Gasoline Demand -- July 19, 2019


July 20, 2019: see comments. Nice comment from someone who really understands this stuff. Me? Not so much. LOL.

Original Post 

Link here.

Natural Gas Fill Rate

Slight change in slope. Air conditioning?

Link here.

Think about it:

Think about it. Sure, Big Oil / Big NG is losing money on natural gas right. But America, as a country, is benefiting Big Time with all this cheap, dependable, dispatchable energy.


  1. re: Slight change in slope.

    yep. this week's 62 billion cubic feet injection into US natural gas storage was a bit more than the average 63 billion cubic feet of natural gas that have been added to gas storage during the second week of July over the past 5 years, and was hence the first below average ​storage change in 18 weeks....

    Air conditioning?

    yep. this week was the first time this summer that temperatures over the entire densely populated eastern US were above normal, and hence natural gas consumption for electric generation averaged 41 billion cubic feet per day, in contrast to the average of just over 38 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day that were used for for electric generation during the same week last year...

    1. After ten years of blogging about "crude oil," I'm finally starting to understand natural gas. Barely. Thank you. Much appreciated.


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