
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

North Dakota Crude Oil Production In April, 2019, Could Set A New All-Time Production Record -- June 4, 2019

Link here.

In the March, 2019, drilling report, the EIA projected that the Bakken would see an increase of 17,000 bopd in April over the preceding month of March. See screenshot from the "dashboard" for March, 2019, taken from the link above:

Now, from the most recent Diretor's Cut with March, 2019, data:
Crude oil production in March, 2019: 1,390,138 bopd
  • February, 2019: 1,335,591
    • average daily increase, month-over-month: 54,547 bopd
    • month-over-month increase: an increase of 4.1%
  • all-time high was January, 2019: 1,403,808
    • delta (January/March): 13,670 bopd
    • delta (January/March): 0.97%
Note that the March, 2019, production data (preliminary) showed that North Dakota missed an all-time crude oil daily production record by 13,670 bopd. Generally, the final results are slightly better than the preliminary results. Regardless, an increase of 17,000 bopd in April (over the March results) would mean that North Dakota would set another all-time high production record.

The April data, which will include the final production numbers for March, 2019, will be out later this month.

Disclaimer: I often make mistakes in simple arithmetic. This is only a projection.

The Calendar Page

My wife gets very angry with me because I don't check the calendar on which she works so hard. She is out in Los Angeles for a couple of weeks. She reminded me that I need to check her calendar.

So, yesterday, I turned the page (the calendar was open to the week just completed), and this is what I saw (I can't make this stuff up):

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