
Sunday, June 9, 2019

#19288 -- Huge Jump In Production -- June 9, 2019

See this link.

Update On "Job-Killing, Oil-Industry-Killing California Bill

AB 345. Update
This bill never advanced beyond legislative fiscal committees. It was held up in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The bill could be considered again next year. 
AB 345 (Muratsuchi; D-Torrance) Oil and Gas Development Ban: Would eliminate thousands of high-paying California jobs and require California to import even more foreign oil by banning new oil and gas development, re-drilling operations, and rework operations by imposing a state minimum 2,500-foot setback requirement from certain structures, and further authorizing local governments to enact even greater setback requirements, without limitation.
My hunch: the bill is too extreme even for California. It sounds like the bill that Colorado recently passed in a statewide vote. With gasoline costing $4.50/gallon in California as it is, this would never be passed as a proposition voted on by all state voters. 

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