
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

North Dakota Electric Consumption Could Almost Double By 2040 -- Study -- May 29, 2019

Okay, I exaggerated a bit, but I was including the new plastics plant -- LOL. The study said this:
The state's electric consumption will grow by as much as 71% over the next two decades thanks largely to expanding oil and gas activity. 
But if you round the 71% to 100% (to include the plastics plants, that 100% growth is the same as "doubling."

The forecast estimated that electric consumption would increase by between 44% and 71% by 2038, reaching as high as 18,000 gigawatt-hours annually.
The forecast also predicted that the state will need between 670 and 1,000 megawatts of new generating capacity in the next 20 years to meet the growing demands. North Dakota currently has a baseload generating capacity of 4,390 megawatts, but that doesn't include a coal-fired powered plant that's scheduled to close in 2021.
A huge "thank you" to the reader show sent me this.

But think about that. If four small counties in North Dakota could increase North Dakota's total electric consumption by 71% imagine the growth in Texas and New Mexico (the Permian will be much bigger). And then imagine California and all the EVs. I don't think Occasional-Cortex "gets this at all." Speaking of someone that is truly unwoke.

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