
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, April 3, 2019, T+91, Part 2 -- Nothing About The Bakken

Link here.

It is said that if we don't act within the next twelve years, the earth is lost. (That was said back in 1994, also, but I digress.)

But even so, with something so dire, the UN gives both China and India a "pass."

Note the change in CO2 emissions (FWIW) among various countries from 1990 to 2017.

It's a difficult spreadsheet to read, especially for someone like Occasional-Cortex. Hopefully someone will change this into a bar graph or something similar to get the full effect.

The percentage changes are bad enough but look at the raw numbers, the actual tons of emitted CO2. China is more than twice that of the US. India is in the same ballpark as the EU.

  • GDP: $2.6 trillion
  • CO2 emissions: 2.5 million metric tonnes/year
  • GDP: $3.7 trillion
  • CO2 emission:  0.8 million metric tonnes/year
As Germany and India continue to add more coal plants, the situation will only get worse.

It was data like this that Facebook decided to ban ZeroHedge.

Subsequently, apparently, Facebook has reversed its decision and says it does not ban ZeroHedge.


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