
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Has Anyone Connected The Health Dots? -- April 27, 2019

In 2000, measles was "eradicated" from the US. Screenshots to follow.

Ten years later, ObamaCare was signed into law on March 23, 2010.

Less than a decade later, this headline: this is the worst year for measles in the US since the disease was eliminated nationally in 2000. But that's CNBC so it may be fake news. Let's fact check:
  • Buzzfeed: measles outbreaks in the US are now the worst on record since the disease was eradicated (that word again: eradicated)
  • CDC, Atlanta, Georgia: US measles cases at highest level since elimination nearly 20 years ago, according to CDC (for ESL readers: "eradication" and "elimination" are very similar in meaning)
Again, thank you Mr Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. The data suggests this has little to do with the "southern surge."

  • measles eradication in the US
  • that Lancet article (Lancet is the most prestigious medical journal in the world)
  • Orrin Hatch
  • ObamaCare
  • social media
  • measles epidemic in the US
Occasional-Cortex is looking better and better every day.

Cost of measles vaccine:
  • MMRII: $75
  • but for the really good stuff, ProQuad: $214.37 (the vaccine includes the "chickenpox vaccine)
  • free to inmates and illegal immigrants 
US Expands "Catch And Release" Program

Time; Us expands program as border towns struggle with influx of migrants.

April 3, 2019.

Practically every major city from San Antonio to Phoenix is mentioned in this article. Cities with populations of 500,000 to over a million have run out of space with as few as 70 immigrants arriving on a daily basis.

The feds are now releasing as many as 1200 immigrants daily.

Einstein's definition of insanity.

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