
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Progress At Williston's New Airport, XWA, Continues Despite Polar Vortex -- February 10, 2019; Answers To That "Pop" Quiz On Ethane

Link here at The Williston Herald.

Answers To That Ethane "Pop" Quiz

I find this fascinating. Posting the answers to the quiz posted yesterday. 

Link here for answers.

Ethane is a "feedstock" for just about "everything."

1. How many countries export ethane internationally? [That's redundant, obviously, but that's how the EIA phrased it.]  Two.

2. Name the top five countries that export ethane internationally. [Ditto,] Trick question. There are only two: the US and Norway.

3. Name the country that is #1 in ethane exports. The US.

4. Name the country that is #2 in ethane exports. Norway.

5. The US exports how much ethane?

a. 50,000 bpd
b. 250,000 bpd
c. 500,000 bpd
d. 1 million bopd
6. The country that exports the most ethane, exports how much ethane?
a. 50,000 bpd
b. 250,000 bpd
c. 500,000 bpd
d. 1 million bopd
7. The #2 country in ethane exports, exports how much ethane?
a. 50,000 bpd
b. 250,000 bpd
c. 500,000 bpd
d. 1 million bopd
8. The #3 country in ethane exports, exports how much ethane? Trick question. Only two countries export ethane.
a. 50,000 bpd
b. 250,000 bpd
c. 500,000 bpd
d. 1 million bopd
9. In what year did the #1 country overtake the #2 country (questions 3 and 4 above). 2015.

10. The United States exports ethane to how many countries? Ten.

11. In 2014, the US exported ethane to only one country. Name that country that was the only country to import ethane from the US. Canada.

12. Extra credit: American Ethane, when given federal approval, will supply ethane to a number of petrochemical crackers in China, from a new terminal on the Neches River in Beaumont, TX. "Who" funds American Ethane? Russia. Don't you just love all that talk about sanctions on Russia!

See also this post.

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