
Sunday, February 3, 2019

Nothing About The Bakken -- February 3, 2019

The Way We Were: the movie I love. The movie I cannot watch. 1973. Robert Redford. Barbra Streisand. Was it not the best? And it's playing on TCM right now. Opposite the PGA tournament, TPC Scottsdale. Lead-in to the Super Bowl. What's not to like. Even though I can't watch that movie any more, it's on on my "top shelf" list. It's of the same "mold" as Dr Zhivago and Lawrence of Arabia. Favorite movies, top ten movies, that I cannot watch many of them any more. I'm not sure "why" I can still watch Casablanca and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

PGA: Paul Azinger replaces Johnny Miller as NBC color for PGA tournaments. Can one say "color" any more? 

Fantastic Voyage: on TCM last night. I had never seen the movie before. If I have, I've forgotten. Released in 1966. Probably got to Williston, ND, in 1969. LOL. Raquel Welch? Yawn. I recognized Donald Pleasence but couldn't place him. Finally, I did. Columbo: Any Old Sport in a Storm. Coincidence. Also came out in 1973.

Marie Kondō: the family has a graphic novel -- along the lines of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing,  Marie Kondō, c. 2014. I read some of it the other day while waiting to take Sophia to school. She calls it school, but in fact its pre-pre-K. And she loves it. But I digress. I learned enough in a few pages, to throw out two boxes of clothes/odd-and-ends in storage and I completely emptied one drawer in my four-drawer chest of drawers. I have only one chest of drawers so I decluttered 25%.

Christmas gifts: family members got me any number of bicycle accessories this year. They do that every year. I often put these accessories aside where they end up cluttering the floor, a drawer, a shelf. Today, I put all the accessories on the bikes. I have several bikes so plenty of places to put all the accessories. Some accessories have instructions. I use to save those, file the away. No longer. i-photograph them and file them inside the virtual bicycle folder on the virtual desktop.

Amazon. Lives up to its name. From wiki:
In 1998, Jeff Bezos, founder, owner, and CEO of, struck a deal with Needham and other principal shareholders to buy IMDb outright for approximately $55 million[9] and attach it to Amazon as a subsidiary, private company.[10] This gave IMDb the ability to pay the shareholders salaries for their work, while would be able to use IMDb as an advertising resource for selling DVDs and videotapes.
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AMZN: wow, I wish Jeff Bezos/Amazon would do what Warren Buffett/Berkshire Hathaway did with BBK: A and B shares. AMZN, less than $350/share less than five years ago is now over $1,600/share.

Echo Dot/Alexa: incredible. 

Skiing Downhill With Daddy


Sophia drew this in January, 2019. This was the first year she was ever on skis. She took two days of lessons at Angel Fire, and then skied with her dad and her two older sisters.

Months later she still knows how to ski ("french fries") and how to stop ("pizza").

The other day on her bicycle, when I was teaching her to brake, I asked her how she "braked" when she skied? Her answer: "pizza."

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