
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

CLR With Big Plans For The Bakken -- February 26, 2019

From The Williston Herald:
  • Continental expects to nearly double its oil production within the next five years, and expects the Bakken to contribute between 50 to 60 percent of the total growth. 
  • Bakken key to Continental plans to double in size 
  • rigs flat for 2019, but number of wells expected to rise 
One wonders if CLR would be interested in the Helis Grail?


Between 2002 and 2004 the USAF sent me to a remote air base in northern England, Yorkshire County, on many occasions. During those two years, I probably visited Yorkshire a half dozen times. I often flew into Leeds, England, and then took a taxi to the air base.

Tonight while looking up the history of this tune, I see the story begins in Leeds. How interesting.

If you have trouble understanding the English, good news. The video has subtitles.

History of Yellow River

I don't know what it about this song that seems to make it the #1 song I want to hear when I first start surfing YouTube.

Hopefully I live long enough to share this with Sophia. I figure another seven or eight years.

Something To Consider

Ty Smith -- Modern Renaissance Man.


Clever idea.

But this guy says he's a musician. Amazing how little he seems to have heard when it comes to music.

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