
Thursday, February 7, 2019

2017 North Dakota Crude Oil Production By Formation

Link at this site.


  1. Wow, looks like 1,998,000,000 left to recover in the Three Forks. I thought we'd made a bigger dent, but it's just getting started.


    1. Overall, "they" say the Three Forks will be much smaller than the middle Bakken, but individual Three Forks wells may be better than individual middle Bakken wells.

      I hope NDIC breaks the Three Forks into its benches. Right now, 99%+ of Three Forks wells are first bench. There are three more benches although not much is known about any of them.

      The next USGS survey of the Bakken which should be released any day now, will survey/update the middle Bakken and the upper bench of the Three Forks, but not any of the other benches.


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