
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Germany Won't Meet Climate Goals -- Probably Ever -- January 10, 2019

Natural gas fill/withdrawal, link here:

The big story, of course, is how this year will significantly change the graph going forward. The "minimum" will drop significantly, as will the 5-year average. Five years from now, it will long be forgotten that 2019 was the year that the graph changed. But it will be archived here. Maybe I need a new tag, whengraphschanged. LOL.

But this is the other big story. From an energy standpoint, the US is in the catbird's seat, as they say. The energy gap between the EU and the US continues to widen, and that yawning gap is going to get wider and wider -- there is a huge risk that the jaw will dislocate! LOL.

  Over at the "Big Stories," the European situation is followed at "Europe at a tipping point."

Reality Sucks

Google Germany wont meet 2020 CO2 targets or 2030:

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