
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Divorce? What A Difference A Year Makes -- January 10, 2019

Can't Buy Me Love, The Beatles

The big divorce? What a difference a year makes!

And you all know which song I'm going to play, LOL.

D-I-V-O-R-C-E, Tammy Wynette
Now back to Mr and Mrs Bezos. Nine days into the new year! Who comes out ahead in the next tax bill? Which president pushed for the new tax bill? Some say Mr Bezos bought The Washington Post to .... shall we say, beleaguer, badger, bedevil, and pester the president. Did the president get the last laugh? If this was all serendipity, this is truly irony. But not much in Washington is serendipity.

A huge thank you to a reader for bringing this to my attention. Especially "beleaguer." LOL.


  1. I'm inclined to think alimony won't be an issue is this dissolution. Rather surprising that they didn't just do a "Warren Buffett" and stay married in fact only. A housekeeper in the wings was his clear choice 'cuz "'til death do us part", and it did.

    1. You could be correct. It will probably come down to the definition of "alimony."

    2. Perhaps he was getting advice from South Carolina's former governor Mark Sanford, Jr.

  2. Could be; it's a lead pipe cinch he won't be asking for advise from Harold Hamm....

  3. They'll probably both be humming this little ditty....


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