
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A Little Less Talk, A Lot More Action -- Global Warming Hits Lebanon -- January 8, 2019

Will atmospheric CO2 replace GDP as proxy for how well the economy is doing? Look at this:
US carbon dioxide emissions rose by 3.4 percent in 2018 even as coal plants shut: The increase, the biggest in eight years, was in part driven the strong economy, with emissions from factories, planes, and trucks soaring.
US cancer deaths fall for 25th year in a row: Lower smoking rates are translating into fewer deaths, and advances in early detection and treatment also are having a positive impact, according to the American Cancer Society. But obesity-related cancer deaths are rising, and prostate cancer deaths are no longer dropping.

The above from Chesto at The Boston Globe. 
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
Something tells me these Syrian refugees would like a little less talk and a lot more action from:
  • Algore and his singeries
  • AGW "scientists"
  • the UN 
  • Germany
  • France
Global warming hits Lebanon.

I always wondered why the Lebanese felt so at home in northwestern North Dakota. Now I know. Thank you, twitter. Unfortunately, I don't see any smoke coming from any chimneys in the photo below.

A Little Talk and A Lot More Action, Toby Keith
FWIW -- absolutely nothing

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