
Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Market, Energy, And Political Page, Part 2, T+30 -- December 6, 2018

NIMBY, too close to Bismarck: this is pretty funny. Regulators deny wind farm permit that would have crimped Bismarck's urban expansion in 2100. This speaks volumes. NIMBY. Over near Tioga is okay, but heaven forbid, not near the Bismarck airport. We may need that land some day. And besides, the "visual." And why isn't Chicago building wind farms in their own state. Over at The Bismarck Tribune:
Chicago-based Pure New Energy USA is proposing to develop the 250-megawatt Burleigh-Emmons Wind Farm, which would be located about 15 miles southeast of Bismarck and 12 to 13 miles from the city’s airport.
We are in trouble: CO2 emissions rose to a record high in 2018. Washington Post. Of course, as one reader pointed out, a lot of CO2 was generated by:
  • folks burning tires in Paris;
  • diesel locomotives / CBR, with pipeline activity shut down; and,
  • of course, all those jets flying Hollywood and UN elites to global warming conferences in far-flung places. Poland is a long way from NYC where the UN is headquartered
But certainly not by US drivers: gasoline demand down from previous year.

Poca-haunts-us: amazing how she gets such good treatment. The New York Times says Trump "bullied" her -- when, in fact, all he did was call her out for her craziness. Someone said the other day on talk radio -- I think it was Rush Limbaugh -- one political party can dish it out, but can't take it. I just can't imagine why The New York Times ran such a long story on Pocahontas ... check that. I understand very, very well why The NYT ran the story. This is the "re-set" button just before she announces she's running. Wow, I'm glad Hillary Clinton coined the political "re-set" button. It's going to be a useful metaphor. Her own (Hillary's) re-set button is probably so faded most folks can't see it any more.

Negative heat: from global warming to climate change to negative heat. Huge thanks to Don for the ideas. Link here.

Real Silverware

Our favorite place to have lunch in Ft Worth, TX, uses real silverware (hidden in the paper napkins in the photo below).


  1. The negative heat in Seeley Lake MT was 2 above this AM. In Missoula it was 7.
    But at least its a dry negative heat! ;-)

    1. LOL ... " ... but at least it was a dry negative heat."

  2. Overnight in Williston was +7, +6 tonight wind chill of -8

    1. For newbies, those are February temperatures, not November temperatures.


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