
Monday, December 3, 2018

The Market, Energy, And Political Page, T+27 -- December 3, 2018

Social security: this will stir up some controversy. I now feel strongly that "social security" benefits should be revamped considerably. It will never happen, of course, but there is no question in my mind that there is a subset of the population that absolutely does not "need" to claim/take their social security benefits. That doesn't mean they should not collect it. As an example, consider:
  • for top 10% income earners
  • no longer taxing social security benefits
  • 50% of social security benefits must be donated to charity of one's choice
  • the remaining 50% in US Treasury bonds for at least ten years
  • for top 10% income earners
  • no longer taxing social security benefits
  • 50% of social security benefits put back into "pot" to increase benefits for most destitute
  • the remaining 50% in US Treasury bonds for at least ten years
To make suggestions more palatable, amend IRA rules to further encourage savings and investments.

This is the problem with the "Tom Steyers" of the world: while tilting at windmills -- impeaching Donald Trump -- their money and efforts could be better spent helping the truly destitute in America.


So much interesting science out there. From Watts Up With That? -- the difference in ice types causes confusion in global warming story. Absolutely fascinating and the graphics and cartoons are excellent.

Should be a great Christmas holiday for skiing this year.

From IceAgeNow: contrary to what the politicians are trying to foist on you, a new mini ice age – a new Maunder Minimum – has already started.
For the next 20 years it’s going to get colder and colder on average.
The jet stream will be wilder. There will be more wild temperature changes, more hail events, more earthquakes, more extreme volcano events, more snow in winters, lousy summers, late springs, short autumns, and more and more crop failures.
“Carbon dioxide levels do not have any impact – I repeat, any impact – on climate,” says Piers. “The CO2 theory is wrong from the start.”
“The fact is the sun rules the sea temperature, and the sea temperature rules the climate.”
“The basic message is that the sun is controlling the climate, primarily via the sea.”
".... the start of the mini ice age…it began around 2013. It’s a slow start, and now the rate of moving into the mini ice age is accelerating.”
A good example of the jet stream. Note minus 10 degrees in Colorado:
Note: this is weather, not climate.

Note: it is not yet winter -- and won't be for about three more weeks.

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