
Friday, October 26, 2018

The Market, Energy, And Political Page, Part 2, T+67 -- October 26, 2018

The Deep State: Let's see. In less than a week, "they" can capture the guy who apparently has been sending hoax mail bombs, but yet, two years later, with thousands of high-profile, high-paid lawyers, and the full weight of multiple government agencies, no smoking gun reported regarding Russian collu.......gotta go.

Good luck to all.

The Energizer bunny: Never sleeps and excels at multi-tasking despite his young age:

The president was probably 1) getting the briefing on the bomber, 2) reviewing the notes for his next meeting, and then ... 3) takes the time to tweet.

Spam: due to spam, the "comments" section has been turned off. I plan to turn "comments" capability back on next week.

The Manchin-Collins defense: from CNN --
Senator Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, and Senator Susan Collins, a Republican from Maine, said they believed Ford when she said she had been sexually assaulted but that they didn't think there was corroboration to prove it was Kavanaugh. 
That will likely be the MbS defense: the Saudis will admit that the Khashoggi murder was premeditated but they will argue there is not enough evidence to prove the Crown Prince was involved. Good. That's cleared up.  


If one can ignore four really "bad" things about this film, it's a great film:

Breakfast At Tiffany's


  1. I get the Mueller skepticism, but I doubt you or I have the expertise to know how these sorts of cases get built. I'd think many such cases take years. Nixon's situation was quite a slow burn.

    We'll only know in retrospect, so I don't hold my breath expecting a certain outcome. I certainly don't dismiss it all out of hand, you can easily look up a list of indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions of various crimes involving aspects of Russian interference.

    Without going into details of the situation, but just off the character on display, it wouldn't surprise me if the big DJT is involved. Why would it? The guy paid a 5% estate tax, claimed he got rich of a $1 million loan that turned out being closer to $400 million (not adjusted for inflation). That certainly doesn't mean he's guilty, just that he has a history that can inform contemporary behavior. ... any thoughts at all on how US borrowing is set to double to $1.3 trillion for the 2019 budget?

    1. 1. With non-Bakken subjects, particularly political issues, I am shallow, snarky, and mostly tongue-in-cheek with a very opinionated bias. I post the non-Bakken notes to keep me interested in the blog (if I only blogged about the Bakken, as exciting as it is, I would get bored); and, to keep things in perspective.

      2. I will engage in back-and-forth issues on the Bakken from a learning /educational point of view, but I definitely won't get involved in back-and-forth on non-Bakken issues. I'm so obsessive-compulsive I would never get anything else done.

      3. But you are so correct: white collar crimes are a whole lot different than "classic" terrorism; bank robberies; murders; etc. Can you imagine what "they" would find on every billionaire in the world if a special counsel was set up to investigate their entire lives? Putin's alleged comments about the Kavanaugh investigation says it all. I'm nowhere in that [billionaire] class, but if a special counsel was out to investigate me, they would find some things that I might not want exposed, but certainly not illegal. I remember a fraternity party decades ago, for example .... and then the time I was thirteen and tackled a next door girl who was a year younger than I and really, really cute....while playing some sort of football game...


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