
Monday, October 29, 2018

CLR Reports 3Q18 Earnings; Active Rigs At 67; Nine New Permits; CLR Hitting Brooklyn Hard -- October 29, 2018

CLR releases 3Q18 earnings: link here; some new records set; snapshot here; this is the one everyone has been waiting for; will discuss it later. Next up: WLL, OAS, EOG, NOG. 

Active rigs:

Active Rigs67533469190

Nine new permits:
  • Operators: Abraxas; CLR
  • Fields: North Fork (McKenzie); Brooklyn (Williams)
  • Comments: Abraxas has permits for a 5-well Jore pad in lot 2, section 2-149-97; and, CLR has yet another set of four permits in Brooklyn oil field; this is for a 4-well pad in 26-155-98;
I need to update this field, but for newbies, CLR is drilling the heck out of this field. I am absolutely convinced that CLR has an entire division dedicated full time to this non-descript field north of Williston. I would not consider it one of the best spots in the Bakken but it is certainly in the neighborhood. More importantly, I think, is what CLR must be learning from pad drilling and fracking in tight plays. But maybe I'm wrong; maybe Brooklyn is a better field than I realize and CLR is simply lucky. LOL. Not likely. The Brooklyn oil field as it looks today.
Three permits renewed:
  • EOG: three Wayzetta permits in Mountrail County
Five producing wells (DUCs) reported at completed:
  • 33792, 234, CPEUSC Berner 9-19-18-157N-99W TFH, Lone Tree Lake, t9/1; cum -- ;
  • 33796, 64, CPEUSC Berner 8-19-18-157N-99W TFH, Lone Tree Lake, t9/18; cum --;
  • 33790, 385, CPEUSC Berner 5-19-18-157N-99W MBH, Lone Tree Lake, t9/18; cum --; 6K after 14 days;
  • 33794, 374, CPEUSC Berner 4-19-18-157N-99W MBH, Lone Tree Lake, t9/18; cum --; 7K after 14 days;
  • 33791, 213, CPEUSC Berner 9-19-18-157N-99W TFH, Lone Tree Lake, t9/18; cum --; 3K after 14 days;

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