
Monday, September 17, 2018

Watford City Posts Largest Jump In School Enrollment In History -- Apparently Those Stories Of The End Of The Bakken Boom Were Highly Exaggerated And Premature -- September 17, 2018

Watford City, from myndnow:
"We had to add another section in kindergarten, we have about 191 kindergartners."
"We had to get a bit creative and move the third graders out of our elementary school, so it's a K-2 building now with a 3-6 building along with a 7-12."
All of this has been caused by the biggest-ever single year student population increase in Watford City's history this fall - a jump of almost 300.
 "We're looking at about 1830 students right now. We have capacity of about 1900-2000, so with another good growth year like this year we would definitely have a space situation."
The district is well down the path to adding another building - with plans for a new elementary school expected to be finalized soon. Holen, who is starting his 14th year at the helm of Watford City's schools, has seen student numbers balloon from 512 in 2008, to the 1830 today.
Elenore, The Turtles


  1. I love your blog. Only one that I really read. I used to read it for the oil content, and raise my eyebrows over the rest. As I get older, I find myself less interested in the oil content, and really enjoying the rest. I listened to your Mamas and Papas download the other night. I have listened to it no less than 20 times since then, and have researched their history in Wikipedia. Very interesting. I used to own a DJ outfit in the 90's in undergrad before going to dental school. So I appreciate all music, and especially find myself enjoying the 60's and 70's music as I get older. Thanks for the time you take to blog. Some of us really enjoy it!

    1. What a great note, thank you.

      Wow, did you hit a nerve, as they say.

      Often I come close to getting bored with updating the blog. I feel I have met my goal which was to "understand" the Bakken. I feel I have met that goal and now it's just keeping up with what's going on in the Bakken.

      I post the non-Bakken stuff to help me keep my interest. I probably over-do it on the political stuff, but I have cut back immensely on global warming rants and raves. The political stuff helps put the Bakken into perspective.

      But you are so correct: for me, it's all about the music. It's hard to find stuff that is new but every once in awhile I find something really, really good (and new).

      Thank you all your kind words.


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