
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Going Biking

Off the net for awhile.

For those who do not understand LNG (and that includes me), the post I just completed should be helpful.

I wish I could hang around and do some more blogging, but lots of biking, lots of errands.

I may not be back on the blog until late this evening.

There will be lots of factual / typographical errors to fix.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.

Disclaimer: I am inappropriately exuberant about the Bakken.

Fact: North Dakota just set four all-time records in the oil patch.

For newbies: it is impossible to convey how incredible the US oil and gas sector is right now. There's no question in my mind that we would not be where we are had it not been for the policies President Obama set in place during his tenure. He was absolutely correct: "We just simply can't drill our way to lower oil prices."

He was right. It wasn't simple. The oil sector needed some really well-trained and dedicated roughnecks and truckers who were willing to show up to work 24/7 during some of the worst North Dakota blizzards ever.

The oil companies needed hundreds (thousands?) of incredibly well-trained geologists coming out of engineering programs across the entire US (and a few from overseas, I suppose).

It required CEOs, bankers, investors willing to invest like drunken sailors. (Sorry, if I insulted anyone, and I probably did.) The risks they took were incredible. Some lost big; some are winning bigly.

It required an incredible partnership among state officials, oil companies, individual landowners, individual mineral owners several generations "deep."

And, the technology -- drilling two miles deep; turning on a dime -- going horizontal for two miles, all through a seam maybe 40 feet thick but a 2-foot target, and total vertical depth measured to the nearest inch after going down two miles.

No, I don't think it was simple. Barack was right. It's not simple.

The easiest thing President Obama could have done was approve the DAPL but he left that to President Trump to make the latter look good and keep his campaign promise to make America great again.

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I won't get to my e-mail until later this evening.

The plural of "haiku" is "haiku." It follows neither the Greek nor the Latin rules for plurals.

Pluralism means something completely different.

And the New York Times spells "fracking" with a "k."

The other day I typed the Washington Post as "Washington Pos. I'm not sure that was a typographical error.

Going biking.

Good luck to all.

By the way, there are 73 really, really smart people reading the blog. Thank you.

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