
Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Market, Energy, And Political Page, T+70 -- August 9, 2018 -- Is The State Purposely Making The Forest Fires Worse?

Haynesville monthly natural gas production, reaches five-year high:

New natural gas plant expansion proposed for McKenzie County. Link here. Will quadruple capacity at this one plant.
  • expand the Roosevelt Gas Plant
  • from 50 to 200 million cfpd
  • would be the 6th natural gas expansion or new plan under development in the state
  • located seven miles south of Watford City
  • the state has already penciled this one in -- see the spreadsheet for the state here
Natural gas fill rate (link here):

The Last Straw

Is Jerry Brown / California purposely making the record-breaking fires worse to "prove a point?" 
The state is rigorously following environmental regulations -- at the risk of making things worse; perhaps endangering lives. Google -- Commerce chief scolds California over environmental policies he says hinder firefighters: ‘Lives are at stake.'
But back to the straws. For those who missed it, from July 23, 2018:

It doesn't matter whether the data is correct or not; the question is how an entire industry and, the millennials, fell for his data. I guess the same way they fell for the global warming data -- if you say it enough times, it becomes fact. Public school education.

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