
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Busy, Busy Week For Me Coming Up -- August 19, 2018

Casual readers of the blog may not notice, but there was a lot less blogging this weekend, and I assume there will be a lot less blogging this week. School for the granddaughters begin and I have a lot of commitments.

I will get to all e-mail but I may not have lengthy replies.

Stock market futures: fairly flat, but after last Thursday -- a 400-point rise on the Dow -- just holding  is quite a feat.

But note this: UNP is among the pre-market movers, up 1.1% in pre-market trading. It could hit a 52-week high Monday.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, job, relationship, or travel decisions based on what you read here or think you made have read here.

UNP: I'm sure there are specific reasons for what appears to be a surge in UNP, but I certainly recall all the stories this past year on the challenges the trucking industry is facing. The winners: the railroads. On top of that, the economy is "crushing it," according to Larry Kudlow.

Sports: I see that Carson Wentz may be ready to start this NFL football season.

International politics: Turkey. Wow, what can I say? Something tells me there is more to this story than just a pastor. Something tells me Erdogan needed "an excuse" to explain away the economy that was about to implode anyway.

Sacred fires -- burn, Burnaby, burn: I wish I had more time to spend on this, but have to keep moving along. A reader sent me the link to this video -- it's a long video but enjoyable. The reader noted that the "sacred fire" was most likely heating oil being burned in an oil barrel. A "sacred fire" for those protesting "big oil." The heating oil was probably trucked in by a diesel/gasoline-guzzling SUV / pick-up truck. 

Gasoline prices coming down along with price of WTI. LOL. I think I've mentioned this three times -- and now Bloomberg talks about it. And again, the wrong metric is being measured.

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