
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Update On The "Delta Refinery" In Trainer, PA -- July 12, 2018

I no longer follow the "Delta refinery" and I have definitely "lost the bubble" regarding that refinery and Bakken CBR, but at one time it was quite a story. The original post and updates are at this link.

Update: according to ArgusMedia, profits at the "Delta refinery" helped "stem" rising jet fuel costs. The byline is "Houston." From the article:
  • the highest refinery profits since 2015 helped to cut Delta Air Lines' second quarter fuel costs by 4¢/USG, the airline said today
  • the 185,000 b/d refinery in Trainer, Pennsylvania, reported a $45mn profit on sharply-higher third-party fuel sales compared to the same quarter last year. Third-party refinery sales — the sale of non-jet fuel produced at Trainer — generated $216mn, compared to $67mn in the same quarter of 2017.
  • Delta plans to take the refinery down in the fourth quarter for extensive maintenance
I don't know the source of oil for this refinery -- whether it's still Bakken CBR or not.

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