
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tentative Release Of Director's Cut This Month -- This Week -- April 11, 2018

This is quite incredible. Earlier this week "we" posted a story about the housing shortage in Williston. Now, tonight, Don alerts me to this story: "oil industry affects Stanley housing market." Link here:
More than half of the homes on the market are selling higher than the assessed value.
In 2017, the city assessor had 54 home sales - that compares with only 38 in 2016.
"Some of the older homes are staying on the market a little bit longer maybe 3-4 months but there's a good turnover in sales," said Susan Spaeth, Stanley City Assessor.
She adds that many of the people putting their homes up for sale aren't necessarily leaving town.
Several are upgrading to newer or bigger homes in the area.
Director's Cut To Be Released At The End Of The Week

From the NDIC site: the monthly Director's Cut is scheduled to be released this Friday, April 13, at 1:30 p.m. CDT.

So, What's Going On In Peru?

Canadian Prime Minister is on his way to Peru (probably already there). Now, it is being reported that Ivanka Trump is headed to Peru.

Ah, here is it is the Summit of the Americas in Lima, Peru; the US delegation led by Vice President Mike Pence.

For Trudeau, apparently more important than the Trans Mountain pipeline project.

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