
Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Political Page, T+15 -- The Ides of March

Not enough arrows in her quiver?

Warren: 1, Pocahontas: 0.

The US Senate overwhelmingly, 67 - 31, passed a partial roll-back of Dodd-Frank. Huge bipartisan support; even Dems hate Dodd-Frank.

Pocahontas: "I don't see how any senator can vote for Wall Street deregualation.

Under the radar/connecting the dots:
Passion On The Potomac 

Season two has barely begun. In the first episode, Rex Tillerson was fired.

Now, looking to episodes 2, 3, 4, and 5. From CBS this morning. The never-Trumpers see this as chaos. The Trumpers see this as moving best folks into right positions, cutting losses, keeping folks on their toes. In the bottom photo, I agree: three of the four, and perhaps all four, need to go, sooner than later. There's one face in the crowd that unfortunately does not show up in either photo below:

If nothing else, this will keep the US Senate busy with confirmation hearings.

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