
Friday, December 15, 2017

Trump Doubling Down On Refuting Climate Change As A National Security Threat For The US -- December 15, 2017


December 26, 2017: Exposed: How World Leaders Were Duped Into Investing BillionsOver Manipulated Global Warming Data, The [London] Daily Mail.

Original Post 

From What's Up With That:
The Trump administration will reverse course from previous Obama administration policy, eliminating climate change from a list of national security threats. The National Security Strategy to be released on Monday will emphasize the importance of balancing energy security with economic development and environmental protection, according to a source who has seen the document and shared excerpts of a late draft.
“Climate policies will continue to shape the global energy system,” a draft of the National Security Strategy slated to be released on Monday said.
U.S. leadership is indispensable to countering an anti-growth, energy agenda that is detrimental to U.S. economic and energy security interests. Given future global energy demand, much of the developing world will require fossil fuels, as well as other forms of energy, to power their economies and lift their people out of poverty.”
Finally, some clear thinking and adult leadership.

And just a reminder: bitcoin is forecast to use the entire global supply of electricity within the next three years.

Not ready for prime time. After a reader sent me the story, I replied:
There were a lot of military officers (generals, admirals) that were made to look like idiots under Obama -- I know they had no choice, but to tell warfighters to tackle climate change was absolutely ridiculous. In hindsight, they truly look ridiculous. Especially the admiral and general officer that explored powering naval destroyers with biofuel, and powering jet fighters with algae (or vice versa), respectively.

On a second note, this is doubling down. At the recent (last week/this week) Schwarzenegger, Macron, et al took on Trump and told him to get back on board. Macron (France) predicted that Trump would come back to the Paris accord. Trump, apparently, has made it very clear that he probably won't.

Finally, it was his daughter and son (or son-in-law) who were pushing Trump to go along with climate change. Apparently they've lost a bit of influence, at least in this arena.
One can argue whether fewer regulations out of Washington make a difference, but this is the market today:

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