
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Bakken Economy: Williston Hospital Launches Air Ambulance -- December 13, 2017

EIA crude oil inventories, for week ending December 8, 2017:
  • US crude oil inventories decreased by 5.1 million bbls
Williston hospital launches air ambulance services, story here.

The Market And Energy Page, T+326

Market: this is a real surprise -- I expected the market to be down this morning with the GOP control of the US Senate just barely hanging on. But the Dow 30 -- setting another record yesterday -- opens up 70 points and is headed for another high.

Conservative investors; dividend investors: if such investors saw their portfolios drop significantly yesterday, it was because the utilities and some other high dividend payers dropped one to two percent.

Fed rate: lots of talk about the "Fed rate" today.  With regard to the "Fed rate," the most important thing President Trump did was appoint a new chairman.

The Great Recession, 2007 - 2012, according to wiki.

The graphic:

It is expected that "the Fed" will raise rates by a quarter percent today, or as they say, 25 basis points, or as Becky Quick over at CNBC would say, 25 handles.


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