
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

NOG's 3Q17 Earnings

From the company's press release:
  • daily production increased 11% sequentially to average 15,321 barrels of oil equivalent per day in the third quarter, for a total of 1,409,501 Boe
  • 3.6 net wells were added to production during the third quarter and wells in process ended the quarter at 18.0 net wells, the highest level since 2014
  • Northern now expects average daily production for 2017 to increase between 5% - 6% compared to 2016 and expects to add approximately 14.0 net wells to production for the year
  • Northern closed a new credit facility on November 1st that provides liquidity of approximately $235 million , comprised of $135 million of cash on hand and $100 million of delayed draw term loan availability
  • Northern's GAAP net loss for the third quarter of 2017 was $16.1 million . Adjusted net income for the quarter was $2.2 million . Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $35.7 million

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