
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Political Page, T+242 -- September 19, 2017

The art of the deal: "we" give up a dozen Confederate statues and, in return, we "get" ten national monuments in exchange

Priorities? In 2005, the FTC blocks Blockbuster from buying Hollywood Video. Today, it is announced that Walgreens wins FTC's okay to buy 1,932 Rite Aids stores. As far as I know, Blockbuster and Hollywood Video are no longer around.

Cracking up. Hillary Clinton says she may challenge the 2016 election results. I assume the challenge will begin in California, and then skip Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and head directly to New York. One assumes the challenge will raise a lot of money for the Foundation.

Walls. Hollywood elites have them. The Obamas have one. UC-Berkeley had one. Even the Chinese have one. It seems it's "okay" for everyone to put up protective walls except Trump. Latest example: Hungary. From one of those alt-right sites, Hungary builds a wall, cuts illegal immigration by over 99%." Over 99% is, like, almost 100%, or total control.
Hungary has slashed illegal immigration by over 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences in response to the European migrant crisis, possibly providing a lesson as to the potential impact of constructing President Trump’s much-discussed southern wall in the U.S.
Speaking on the second anniversary of the government’s move to seal Hungary’s border with Serbia — which is also an external border for the European Union — Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Chief Security Advisor, György Bakondi, announced that the fences have caused illegal immigration to collapse from 391,000 in 2015, to 18,236 in 2016, to just 1,184 in 2017.
A huge "thank you" to a reader for sending me the link. The reader also noted that the #1 "open-borders" proponent is a Hungarian, George Soros.

Also this little tidbit from the same reader: four companies have been chosen to built prototypes for "Trump's wall." The four are listed at this site. One of them is Fisher Sand & Gravel Co., DBA Fisher Industries, of Tempe, Arizona. Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. of Dickinson is now wholly owned by the Fisher Industries. Fisher Sand and Gravel is one of the top 25 sand and gravel companies in the United States, with operations in Arizona, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota South Dakota, New Mexico and Wyoming.

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