
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Twenty-Two (22) Permits Renewed -- August 15, 2017

Active rigs:

Active Rigs563174194185

Two new permits:
  • Operators: Oasis, BR
  • Fields: Banks (McKenzie); Sand Creek (McKenzie)
  • Comments:
Twentytwo (22) permits renewed:
  • EOG: twelve (12) Riverview permits; McKenzie County
  • Whiting (5): one Crane Creek State permit, Mountrail County; one Dietz permit, Stark County; one Solberg permit, Stark County; two Zalesky permits, Stark County
  • HRC (2) : two Fort Berthold permits, Dunn County
    Slawson: one Atlantis Federal permit, Mountrail County
  • Enerplus: one Terrier permit, McKenzie County
  • Sinclair: one Uran permit, Mountrail County

The graph tells me:
  • the Bakken does not need the Keystone XL (but the Bakken never did need the Keystone XL)
The graph does not tell me but these are the facts:
  • US refineries along the coast would love to have heavy oil from Canada
  • Canada would love if western sands oil had additional access to US refineries along the US coast
  • Venezuelan heavy oil = Canadian sands heavy oil  
  • actually, the Bakken would benefit a bit; Canada sands uses Bakken oil to help carry bitumen down a pipeline
Never Marry A Railroad Man, Shocking Blue

Greater Agricultural Yields Right Around The Corner

Warmists tell us two things:
  • atmospheric CO2 will rise
  • increased precipitation in temperate zones
I was reminded of those two facts by the article at this link:

Decades ago, as a college biology student, I spent one summer on the North Slope, Alaska, looking for ways to increase agricultural return on grasses in South Dakota.

It appears the answer was staring us in the face all these years (see linked article).

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