
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Nominee For The 2017 Geico Rock Award -- July 23, 2017


This banner appeared shortly after Senator Schumer made some of the most ridiculous comments ever made in the history of political interviews. I find it amazing that Americans do not thank the oil companies for doing what they do. (The arrow points out that US gasoline is at a 12-year low; six months into the Trump presidency.)

What a doofus

Original Post

Unless you've been under a rock for the past year, you know that US gasoline prices are at record lows. 

Apparently, at least one "celebrity" has been under the Geico Rock for at least the past year.

Even as gas prices have fallen to the lowest point in years under President Trump, Senate Minority Leader is claiming the price of petrol has only gone up.

The nationwide price for gas closed the week of July 17th at $2:39/gallon, down from $2.47/gallon when Trump took office.

Over the July 4th holiday weekend, gas prices were at their lowest point since 2005, according to the AAA.

"At $2.23, today’s average national gas price is the cheapest the country has seen all year," AAA reported. "On the week, gas prices fell in 46 states. Only Illinois, Oklahoma and Washington, D.C. saw prices increase, albeit by one cent each, while Hawaii and Maine remained flat. South Carolina continues to carry the cheapest gas in the country at $1.90. Today, consumers can find gas for $2.00 or less at one out of every four gas stations in the country."

Chuck Schumer, appearing on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, claimed Sunday the prices are only rising, thanks to "huge companies buying up other big companies."

"Gas prices are sticky -- you know, when the domestic price goes, uh, when the, uh, price for oil goes up on the markets, it goes right up but it never goes down.," Schumer said. "How the heck did we let Exxon and Mobil merge?"

Schumer also appeared confused over the "sticky prices" economic theory, as gasoline is cited by the Federal Reserve as an example of prices that aren't "sticky."
Can you imagine if Hillary were president with Maxine as vice-president; and, Schumer and Pelosi were in charge of Congress? Wow. 

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