
Monday, April 10, 2017

The Market And Energy Page, T+79 -- April 10, 2017

ATT to buy Straight Path Communications Puts them on a more competitive path with Sprint. $1.6 billion deal. Up $50 to $91. Or thereabouts.

More Trump jobs: Toyota to invest $1.3 billion in Kentucky Camry plant. The move/announcement follows President Trump's criticism over the Japanese company's Mexico's plans. -- WSJ. This should help a state hit hard by the war on coal.

Coal update: By the way, speaking of coal, from wiki, The five largest coal producing states with production in million short tons and the share of total U.S. coal production in 2015:
  • Wyoming: 375.8 (42%)
  • West Virginia: 95.6 (11%)
  • Kentucky: 61.4 (7%)
  • Illinois: 56.1 (6%)
  • Pennsylvania: 50.0 (6%)
Not Smarter Than A 5th Grader

My wife says she can no longer win Bananagrams playing against our 5th grade granddaughter. A recent winning board completed by our granddaughter:

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