
Thursday, March 2, 2017

US' Saudi Arabia Crude Oil Imports -- Not Down All That Much -- March 2, 2017

The numbers have just been posted for December, 2016. For all that talk about less Saudi Arabia oil coming into the US, the numbers don't back up the talk. I believe Saudi has refinery operations along the US gulf coast that would "absorb" most of the oil Saudi Arabia ships to the US. The link to the spreadsheet below is here.

For the month of December, 2016, US imports from following countries, month-over-month,
  • Iraq was the big winner, going from 13 million bbls to 18 million bbls (month)
  • imports from Saudi Arabia, flat
  • imports from Venezuela, flat
  • imports from Canada went from 122 million bbls to 127 million bbls
  • imports from Mexico went from 21 million bbls to 18 million bbls
  • imports from Russia went from 13 million bbls to 10 million bbls
Hysterical Headlines

It's no problem finding hysterical headlines. The challenge is picking out the best hysterical headline to post. The Los Angeles Times is a buffet-ful of hysterical headlines, day in and day out. Today's:


One of the highlights of my US Air Force career was practicing medicine alongside a Scottish physician in northern England, in the county of Yorkshire. I worked with him off and on over the course of four years.

Today of all things, there was a wonderful essay in the current issue of London Review of Book, in the "Diary" section. The essay was written by a general practice physician in the NHS system, working in Scotland, near Edinburgh.

The essay brought back wonderful memories of my time working alongside Derrick.

The link to this essay is

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