
Monday, January 2, 2017

The Political Page -- January 2, 2016

It wouldn't be "themilliondollarway" blog without a political page. So, let's begin. First a song; this is the second of twenty songs that will be played continuously in our apartment unit until January 20, 2017. The first was at this post yesterday. Today:

The Washington Post is said to have retracted a story about the Russians hacking into the US national electric grid through a Vermont utility. In fact, The WaPo has not exactly retracted the story, but it has posted a huge correction, saying they lied. Okay, they did not use that exact word, but it is what it is.

They had the facts but "inflated" the story. Maybe it was just a "white" lie as they used to say. The headline remains "Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility" which, is of course, wrong on several levels. Now the "editor's note":
Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that Russian hackers had penetrated the U.S. electric grid. Authorities say there is no indication of that so far. The computer at Burlington Electric that was hacked was not attached to the grid. 
Again, there is no proof this came from "the Russians" -- whoever they may be. It was "off-the-shelf-malware" said to originate in Russia.

Fox News has rightly noted that when the Chinese stole over a million US government documents two years ago through hacking, the Obama administration did not even issue a press release. The government did offer credit monitoring for its former and current employees.

I am one of those folks who has that free credit monitoring. Whoopee.

It is correct to say that the expulsion of 35 Russian spies was unprecedented in modern history.

With regard to the Russian hacking story, the funniest part of the story is this: Hillary says seventeen (17) US intelligence agencies said the Russians were hacking into the DNC, and apparently told Hillary or the DNC until it was too late. I do know that the Russians were using subliminal techniques to tell Hillary not to campaign in Wisconsin based on how that turned out. Ouch.

 Tomorrow, we will have the third of 20 songs that are being played in our apartment unit continuously for the next 20 days.

Quatum Theory

Looking back on the Obama presidency, trying to explain it, is very much like quantum theory.

Take Valery Jarret's analysis of the Obama presidency ("it's been scandal-free"), like quantum theory, if it is not covered by the media it does not exist. Quantum theory says the same thing about particles: if they are not observed/measured/detected, they do not exist.

And just like quantum theory, Obama's actions and reactions cannot be explained.

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