
Monday, January 9, 2017

Steady At 39 Active Rigs -- January 9, 2017

ROE: I have a post "in draft" in which I list the areas in which Trump can have a huge impact without outside interference. One of the data points: ROE -- rules of engagement for the military. Today, we get our first example. Today it is being reported that a US Navy destroyer fired three warning shots at four Iranian fast-attack vessels after they closed in at a high rate of speed near the Strait of Hormuz. It's newsworthy for several reasons, least of which is not the fact that under Trump the military will have greater influence on ROE. I talked about that on Saturday and the end of the never-ending apology tour.

Golden Globes: I'm sure the "foreign press" is thrilled to see that by Monday morning everyone had forgotten who won what at the awards show, while everyone is focused on the insecurity of Meryl Streep with regard to the new president. Another cupcake, it appears.

Tweets: CNBC continues the theme that presidential tweets are "dangerous." CNBC even managed to have a former CIA director agree that presidential tweets are a danger to national security, not his exact words. TeenVogue tells us the former CIA director was miffed that he wasn't getting enough face time with PEOTUS.

Fallon flounders: that's the overnight analysis of Jimmy Fallon as host of the Golden Globes. I wouldn't know (I didn't watch the awards show; I was watching season three of Miami Vice); but if the internet says it, it must be true (about Fallon flounders).

Back to the Bakken

Active rigs:

Active Rigs3958167193182

RBN Energy: stock levels whipsaw the propane market, part 2.

The Market

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Early this morning, on CNBC, Jim Cramer, in passing mentioned that the "breakout in AAPL" was huge.

I Look Up When I Walk, So That The Tears Won't Fall -- Sukiyaki

#9 in the 20-song countdown.

Sukiyaki, Kyu Sakamoto

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