
Friday, December 2, 2016

Oilman For SecState? Political Page -- December 2, 2016

Add to the list of those Donald Trump may be considering for Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobil.

If this is true, this sends a huge statement. Presidents Bush and Obama were interested in globalization and nation-building. Think SecState Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.

From the linked article:
The company has numerous partnerships with Rosneft, Russia’s state-owned oil company, and has lost more than $1 billion due to the sanctions the United States imposed on Russia, according to RT, a Russian state-owned news service.
Now, could we have an oilman in as SecState?

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi Cannot Complain

Good, bad, or indifferent, Trump takes a page from the Democratic playbook: the bully threatens US corporations with consequences if they relocate "off-shore."

Okay, let's be honest. When the Obama administration or members of his party threatened this, I was upset.

With Trump, not. He was very, very open about making America great again. The difference between President Obama and a future President Trump is the way each would go about doing that. Huge difference. With Trump there will be carrots and sticks. With Obama, it was all sticks.

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