
Thursday, November 24, 2016

North Dakota State Attorney Rules In Favor Of DAPL Operator -- November 24, 2016

Twitter: for folks who have a Twitter account, I strongly recommend they follow president-elect Trump. For those in the mainstream media who suggest he's making a mistake tweeting, he's not. He knows what he is doing.


November 25, 2016: this is pretty cool. See original post, below the screenshot, about president-elect selling his shares in ETP.

Original Post
There were two huge developments this past week regarding DAPL:
The tea leaves are practically shouting how this is going to play out.

Cowboys -- Wow
Dak -- Wow, Wow, Wow

 Link here.

Watching the Dallas Cowboys win their 10th straight game.

Futures Mean Squat, But ...

Dow 30 up about 60 points right now.

The Recount Talk

The recount talk -- silly. Jill has had her 15 minutes of fame. Time to move on. I have a long post in draft format. If the silly talk gets out of hand, I will post it, but it's tiresome, to say the least.


Speaking of tiresome, sounds like Putin is getting tired of Obama.

Complete Craziness

Do not waste your time reading these articles in the current issue of London Review of Books. Talk about complete craziness.

We had a great Thanksgiving. Sophia loved the vegetables, but did not care for the turkey or ham.

Cosette: After dinner she did more than her share of cleaning up by washing dishes. As one can see from the video, she takes it very seriously:


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