
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Coming Very Close To 10 Million Bbls/Day Gasoline Supplied In The US -- July 7, 2016

US gasoline "supplied" hit a record for the first week in July: 9.755 million bbls/day. We have exceeded that number on very few other occasions (although I may have missed some at this link).

For comparison, one year ago, the first week in July, 2015, gasoline supplied was 9.532 million bbls per day.

That's an increase of 2.339%.

It looks like the record amount of gasoline supplied last summer was 9.749 million bbls/day -- the third week of July, 2015.

If there is a similar 2.339% increase in gasoline supplied year-over-year, we will come up just short of the 10 million bbls/day which, to the best of my knowledge, has never been passed. We would hit 9.977 million bbls in the third week of July, 2015.

Note: I may have missed some record weeks, and/or incorrectly calculated something.

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