
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Pessimistic Lynn Helms -- The Red Queen Has Arrived -- May 5, 2016

The Dickinson Press is reporting:
  • North Dakota crude oil production will take "huge" drop in next report (March, 2016, data)
  • unlikely for North Dakota to ever (?) hit 2 million bopd because core Bakken being depleted now
I did not see the flip side of optimism: the slowdown now will extend the Bakken phenomenon well past 2100, and the North Dakota oil and gas industry will be subject to much less volatility, going forward.

The Dickinson Press is also reporting that oil services may start getting back to business, completing the DUCs as oil prices continue to rise.

Posing A Problem

I had a heck of a time getting this video. Sophia understands "posing" for photographs and saying "cheese" but she is not aware that the same camera can take a movie. She had just learned (by herself) to climb this "ladder." I wanted to take a movie, but she insisted on a "posing" on each step. But we finally got it done.

The video is very short because after all that work, the battery died.


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