
Sunday, May 1, 2016

All That Hype About Greenland Melting Away? Mother Nature Put In A "Restrictor Plate" -- Global Warming Update -- May 1, 2016; Part II Of II Parts

Part 1 is here

Rising CO2, according to the warmists, will do only four things that are "of concern":
  • raise atmospheric CO2 (naturally)
  • raise global temperature 2.0 degrees over the next 100 years
  • raise sea level 2.0 feet along some coasts
  • further acidify the ocean
I can't speak to the fourth issue, but I haven't seen many stories on ocean acidification in the past three years. Like the polar bear, the coral issue seems to have gone away.

For many of us who grew up along the northern tier (of the United States), we have yet to see the downside of our average winter temperature going from forty degrees below zero to 38 degrees below zero. On both the Fahrenheit scale and the Celsius scale, -40 degrees is the same.

Now, with regard to rising sea levels, let's press on.

If local, state, and federal governments AND the insurance industry were concerned about rising sea levels along the coasts, zoning restrictions should be put in place: restrict all new building to account for a receding sea coast, and start to enact new requirements on older real estate along the coasts to prepare for rising sea levels.

The question one has to ask: why is the insurance industry not taking rising sea levels seriously? I can understand why the federal government, and state and local governments are not doing anything along this line (tourism, money, panic) but the insurance industry certainly needs to get ahead of this if the Statue of Liberty is going to be underwater by this time next year.

But here's the nasty little secret. It ain't gonna happen. Rising sea levels require the Arctic ice and the Antarctic ice to melt significantly. The Antarctic accounts for about 75% of that ice; the Arctic about 25%. And the Antarctic is growing.

And it turns out that despite the science being settled, it now turns out that Greenland can't melt as much as the Algroe warmists had warned. Yeah, new science. Unsettled science.

Fox News is reporting:
At least 40 percent of Greenland's ice sheet in the Arctic is protected from melting due to a new phenomenon detected by a group of U.S. scientists, according to a study published in Science Advances magazine.
The study, led by scientists from universities in Chicago, Colorado and Oregon, also had international contributions from France, Denmark and Switzerland.
Despite the rapid thaw in the Arctic, 40 percent of Greenland's ice sheet "rarely experiences surface melting," the report says.
The reason is a process scientists have detected for the first time, by which nature "recycles" water to protect the ice sheets from global warming.
The phenomenon of "recycling," as scientists call it, is based on "sublimated moisture," the process by which meltwater is recondensed into fog particles, "which returns the moisture back to the surface through gravitational settling."
By means of sublimation, the constant humidity of that area is reintegrated into the ice mass, protecting it from losing volume.
This discovery could change the way the scientific community understands two of the greatest environmental concerns - the melting process and the preservation of the Arctic - both by studies of the past and projections of the future.
Some 40 percent of the rising sea level is due to melting Arctic ice, according to data published early this year at the annual Arctic conference at the National Academy of Sciences in the United States, held in Washington.
So, 40% of rising sea level is due to melting Arctic ice. The original model suggested 75% of the rising sea water globally would come from Greenland completely disappearing by sometime next year. Fortunately Mother Nature put in a "restrictor plate" preventing Greenland to go past the 60% mark. So, 40% of 75% of 60% means that instead of New Jersey coast line receding, Donald Trump might actually be able to build casinos a bit farther east of the Atlantic City boardwalk. Maybe those off-shore wind turbines envisioned by Algore and friends will be onshore two centuries from now. 

Unfortunately Fox News does not link the Science Advances story. And it's been a devil of a time to track it down. I might actually have to go to the local library (AKA Barnes and Noble) and read the current issue of Science Advances.

The Marshalltown does report the same story but also doesn't provide a link. So does something called Headlines and Global News. Something tells me Science Advances is a vanity publication funded by the Koch brothers.

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