
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kinder Morgan Would Like To Build An "XL" Pipeline Through British Columbia -- Good Luck -- January 26, 2016

It was reported just a few days ago that TransCanada and First Nations had agreed on a natural gas pipeline from Alberta through British Columbia to the west coast. Now we turn to crude oil. PennEnergy is reporting:
A proposed pipeline-expansion project in Canada will put the fishing rights and cultural heritage of U.S. tribes at risk, a lawyer representing several Washington state tribes told Canadian energy regulators.

Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain project would nearly triple oil pipeline capacity from 300,000 to 890,000 barrels of crude oil a day. It would carry oil from Alberta's oil sands to the Vancouver area to be loaded on to barges and tankers for Asian and U.S. markets. The project would dramatically increase the number of oil tankers that ply Washington state waters.

"This project will harm the cultures of the US tribes," said Kristen Boyles, an Earthjustice attorney who spoke against the project Friday on behalf of the Swinomish, Tulalip, Suquamish and Lummi tribes. She made final arguments to Canada's National Energy Board at a hearing in Burnaby, British Columbia, which was broadcast online.

Boyles told the three-member panel that project officials didn't consult with the U.S. tribes and didn't consider the impacts to the tribes. "This project is all risk and no reward," she added.

The U.S. tribes are among the municipalities, environmental groups, First Nations and residents along the pipeline route who are intervenors in the case. Many have raised concerns about the risk of pipeline leaks, increased vessel traffic and potential oil spills.
I think the key here is to find out where Tom Steyer stands on this project.

Are Folks Paying Attention?

The daily poll shows President Obama's approval rating pretty much stuck at 48 - 50%. Trump is now at 41% in the polls and rising. And that's a CNN poll.

Organizational Diagram Of Bernie Sanders' Vision Of A Socialist US Government 

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