
Friday, August 28, 2015

That Was Easy -- Federal Judge Blocks EPA's Water Rule -- August 28, 2015

Being reported everywhere, but this is from The Hill:
A federal judge in North Dakota acted late on Thursday to block the Obama administration’s controversial water pollution rule, hours before it was due to take effect.
Judge Ralph Erickson of the District Court for the District of North Dakota found that the 13 states suing to block the rule met the conditions necessary for a preliminary injunction, including that they would likely be harmed if courts didn't act and that they are likely to succeed when their underlying lawsuit against the rule is decided.
The decision is a major roadblock for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engineers, who were planning on Friday to begin enforcing the Waters of the United States rule, expanding federal jurisdiction over small waterways, like streams and wetlands. 
But the Obama administration says it will largely enforce the regulation as planned, arguing that the Thursday decision only applies to the 13 states that requested the injunction.
Those who snooze, lose.  The 13 states (sort of like the original 13 colonies): Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

Notable states that failed to join the original 13: Minnesota, Texas, California, Washington, Oregon, Florida, IowallinoisIndiana (think pig farmers who probably started this entire "mess"), Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

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