
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Re-Posting Due To Its Importance -- August 25, 2015

Breaking now: Hettinger, ND, set a new record low temperature yesterday -- 31 degrees. Yes, that would be one degree below freezing on the Fahrenheit scale. The old record was 37, set back in 2007, at the height of global warming.

Definition of irony: spending the past three decades preparing for global warming, and then learning that Algore got it all wrong; he was looking at the graphs upside down? It was the global ice age he should have seen coming! Remember that satellite probe that crashed into Mars some years ago: the engineers mistakenly used feet when they thought they were tracking the probe in meters. And then the EPA who wants to control every last creek in the US, floods a major river system with orange toxin in an amateurish attempt to clean up a mine.

Did anyone, by the way, ever explain why the river turned orange and not some other color? From The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World From The Periodic Table of the Elements, by Sam Kean, c. 2010, p. 6:
"... Unraveling that mystery -- it's from hydragyrum, Latin for "water silver" -- helped me understand how heavily ancient languages and mythology influenced the periodic table ... I found mercury in literature class, too. Hat manufacturers once used a bright orange mercury wash to separate fur from pelts, and the common hatter hatters who dredged around in the steamy vats, like the mad one in Alice in Wonderland ..."
So, there you have it. The orange river was caused by mercury.  [CNN: One of the samples of mercury was nearly 10 times higher than the EPA acceptable levels. Samples of beryllium and cadmium were 33 times higher, and one of the arsenic levels was more than 800 times higher.]

If you don't know how poisonous cadmium is, look up itai-itai on wiki. Cadmium caused one of the worst Japanese holocausts of all time, and that includes the two nuclear bombs.

Don't even get me started.

By the way, rumor has it that Algore has been studying the Bakken heat map for the past several months.

A Government Out of Control? Or In Control?

IRS used secret e-mail account, false identity to do government business, target Tea Party groups.  If Lois is not held accountable ... oh, heck, what does it matter?


The Los Angeles Times is reporting:
A new study finds that 75% of California's Obamacare health plans have narrow physician networks -- more limited choices than all but three other states.
The latest report examines health plans sold to consumers last year under the Affordable Care Act and shows wide variation in the prevalence of narrow networks across the country.
Only Georgia, Florida and Oklahoma had a higher percentage of small (sic) provider networks than California did in the insurance company directories analyzed by University of Pennsylvania researchers.
To hold down premiums under the health law, big insurers such as Anthem Inc. and Blue Shield of California cut the number of doctors and hospitals available to patients.
There's actually much more to the story, but that will have to do for now. 

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