
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Irony Associated With Global Warming Never Ceases To Amaze Me -- Juy 22, 2015

I can't recall whether I posted a note some time ago saying that I was going to post fewer links to articles on global warming. I think it's pretty obvious what the issue of global warming is all about. But every time I try to quit writing about AGW something comes along that I can't resist passing along.

No matter what side of the iceberg you sit on with regard to AGW, you have to admit there's a lot of irony in this story. It is being reported that an Arctic global warming research expedition was put on hold because ... drum roll .. there was too much ice.
A carefully planned, 115-day scientific expedition on the Canadian icebreaker CCGS Amundsen has been put on hold as the vessel was called to help resupply ships navigate heavy ice on the eastern side of Hudson Bay.
“Obviously it has a large impact on us,” says Martin Fortier, executive director of ArcticNet, which coordinates research on the vessel. “It’s a frustrating situation.”
During the summer, ArcticNet utilizes the Amundsen as a floating research center, running experiments 24 hours a day.
Johnny Leclair, assistant commissioner for the Coast Guard, said Tuesday conditions in the area are the worst he’s seen in 20 years. [Well, duh, there's been no global warming trend for the past 17 years, but the subject is closed.]
With only two icebreakers available in the Arctic — the CCGS Pierre Radisson has been escorting resupply ships through ice-choked Frobisher Bay — he said the only option was to re-deploy the Amundsen.
Ice-choked Frobisher Bay? This is July. Worse conditions in 20 years. 

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