
Monday, June 1, 2015

Golden China Restaurant To Open In Williston In Early June; Paddlefish Season Very Successful This Year -- June 1, 2015

Just a reminder:

A new restaurant is opening its doors in June. The Badlands Town Center has announced Golden China will be opening in early June of 2015. The restaurant will feature hibachi, sushi and a buffet. It is located at 910 42nd St. W., adjacent to the Badlands Town Center retail complex.

I'm thinking about another road trip to the Bakken, the weather is so incredibly nice now, and school responsibilities are less, but not sure yet. Regardless, I missed the paddlefish season. The state site is here.

In early May, Reuters had a story on paddlefish in North Dakota. It's a bit unclear to me, but it appears the "regular" season runs from May 1st to May 31st but the "regular" season can be shortened as conditions dictate. It looks like this year's season was to end May 11th but then extended four more days for those who already had a tag but had not yet snagged a paddlefish. One can get an updated report at the Scenic Sport website. Apparently opening day set a record with more than 180 paddlefish cleaned at North Star Caviar.

Supreme Court Starting To Hand Down Rulings

First on the docket: "vacation home" mortgages cannot be voided in bankruptcies. Unanimous. Well, that was easy. That should burst the housing bubble.

Second on the docket: private enterprise can't set wardrobe requirements in retail outlets.

Third: on Facebook, threatening to kill your spouse and others in the same room is not enough to make "a reasonable person feel threatened." Well, that's a relief.

A Scam

I've said this from the beginning: EVs, Wind, Solar -- one big scam. You just had to realize that early, get in quick, get the tax subsidies, build your moat, and then move on. The Los Angeles Times finally figured it out:
Los Angeles entrepreneur Elon Musk has built a multibillion-dollar fortune running companies that make electric cars, sell solar panels and launch rockets into space.
And he's built those companies with the help of billions in government subsidies.
Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government support, according to data compiled by The Times. The figure underscores a common theme running through his emerging empire: a public-private financing model underpinning long-shot start-ups.
"He definitely goes where there is government money," said Dan Dolev, an analyst at Jefferies Equity Research. "That's a great strategy, but the government will cut you off one day."
Well, maybe The Los Angeles Times had it figured out a long time ago, but it a) took time to gather the data; and, b) they decided to report the story now that Musk/Tesla is moving its battery shops to a better business environment: Nevada.

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