
Friday, May 1, 2015

Highlights Of The Agenda For The NDIC's May, 2015, Hearing Dockets Has Been Posted


May 3, 2015: a reader noted this --

Two more interesting cases. Ff you look closer. 23969, and 23970 are for BR for spacing in two fields in Stark county. The interesting thing: BR does not yet have any wells in either if these fields. So apparently they will be drilling in these fields.
I talked to a Denbury company hand last year who said Denbury was going to start drilling around Dickinson this year. I wonder if it will actually be a Denbury-BR partnership, possibly including Armstrong Operating, as Denbury and Armstrong do have wells in these two fields. It will be interesting to watch.
The reader is correct; there are not BR wells in either field. BR had a permit in Eland field some years ago but it was canceled. A longer time ago, Conoco (which bought BR) had a dry well in Eland. So, BR has no wells in Eland-Bakken. That field is pretty much a Denbury field with some Wesco wells and some Armstrong wells. Armstrong has two active oil wells in Versippi (old wells) and one SWD well in same field. Note: I took this information from the NDIC website. I often make mistakes; if this information is important to you, go to the source.

Original Post
Disclaimer: these summaries are for my personal use only; you are free to read them; don't quote me on them; there will be typographical and factual errors.  If this is important to you go to the source. Link here.

Full summary here but these are the cases that caught me eye. In addition, there are some interesting set-back requests, requests for flaring waivers, etc. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015
23958, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken, establish two overlapping 2560-acre units; one well each; 11 wells on an existing 1280-acre unit, Williams County
23961, Hess, Robinson Lake-Bakken, establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit; 2 wells; 14 wells on an existing 1280-acre unit, Mountrail
23977, Oasis, Willow Creek and/or Camp-Bakken, establish a laydown 2560-acre unit; 28 wells on said unit; establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit; 3 wells; establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit; 3 wells; establish another overlapping 2560-acre unit; 1 well, Williams, McKenzie
23978, Oasis, North Tobacco Garden and/or Siverston-Bakken; establish six overlapping 2560-acre units; 3 wells on each, McKenzie
23983, Hess, Antelope-Bakken, 16 wells on an existing 1280-acre unit; McKenzie County
23900, Whiting, Banks-Bakken, 7 wells on an existing 2560-acre unit, McKenzie
23991, Whiting, Heart Butte and/or South Fork-Bakken, 4 wells on a 320-acre unit; 8 wells on each of two 1280-acre units; 10 wells on five 1280-acre units, Dunn

Thursday, May 28, 2015
24006, CLR, North Tobacco Garden-Bakken, 14 wells on an existing 1280-acre unit; McKenzie
24012, EOG, Parshall-Bakken, establish nine overlapping 1280-acre units; multiple wells; and establish four overlapping 1920-acre units; multiple wells, Mountrail
24019, Samson Resources, Ambrose-Bakken, establish an overlapping 160--acre unit; 9 wells, Divide
23020, Newfield, Haystack Butte-Bakken, establish an overlapping 1280-acre unit; 9 wells, Dunn
24053, Newfield, Bear Den-Bakken, ten wells on an existing 1280-acre unit; McKenzie
24054, Legacy, Red Rock Field, Souris Field, allowing the production of 39 wells to be  producedinto a central tank battery
24060, CLR, Rattlesnake Point-Bakken, ten wells on an existing 1280-acre unit; Dunn

Friday, May 29, 2015
All continued cases

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