
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Idle Chatter -- Just A Bit Of Light-Hearted Humor -- April 7, 2015

Last week, Governor Jerry Brown stood on a spot in the Sierra Nevada with no snow and outlined first-ever state-wide water rationing rules.

Today, it is being tweeted:

Photo: Snow seen in exact spot in California's Sierra Nevada where Gov. Jerry Brown stood last week without snow - @TerryMcSweeney ... and here's the photo:

This photo and the sequence of events tells me two things:
  • God has a sense of humor
  • God is not a democrat (or at least he's not a fan of Governor Jerry Brown)
Rumor has it that the Kennedys are booking airline reservations to take the kids and grandkids out to California to see the snow before it's too late. 

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