
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Utterly Appalled -- March 14, 2015

This is simply an amazing story coming out of Colorado. Two-hundred-thousand folks happy with their health insurance will see it canceled because the policies do not meet President Obama's standards. They should have been canceled a year ago, but the government gave the insurance companies permission to keep them in force for one year so that folks could look for suitable ObamaCare insurance.

But the year is up, and 200,000 Coloradans will see their health policies canceled. PJ Media is reporting:
Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner (R) said he’s “utterly appalled” by the Colorado Division of Insurance decision to cancel 190,000 health plans that don’t comply with Obamacare regulations — even though they have the authority to continue the old plans for another year under grandfathering rules announced last year.
Colorado insurance commissioner Marguerite Salazar told 9News that “by delaying it, it doesn’t give us a good pathway into full implementation of the ACA.”
“I feel like we gave people that year, we have a great robust market in terms of health insurance in Colorado,” she said.
The senator said that last year he urged Gov. John Hickenlooper’s administration “to pursue any legal avenue to allow insurance providers to keep these plans for the foreseeable future.”
“They listened at that time, and DOI had all the authority it needed to keep these plans around for at least another year, allowing individuals and families more of the time they need to adjust to this onerous new healthcare law. But DOI has decided to end these plans instead, forcing thousands of Coloradans to deal with the cancellation of their insurance,” Gardner said in a statement.
“Once again, Coloradans are suffering from the effects of President Obama’s ill-conceived healthcare law. I continue to support fully repealing this law and replacing it with common-sense, market-driven legislation that could address the need for expanded health insurance coverage while keeping costs down.
"Until the law is repealed, however, we must do everything we can to ensure that Coloradans do not suffer needlessly because of it.”
Colorado voted for President Obama in 2012, from wiki:
This election solidified Colorado's transformation from an historically Republican-leaning state into a Democratic-leaning swing state. Obama's 2012 victory in the state, on the heels of his 2008 victory, marked the first time that the Democrats had carried Colorado in two consecutive elections since the landslide re-election of Franklin Roosevelt in 1936.
At Least It's Hard To Catch

CNN is reporting:
Ten Americans are being flown back to the United States as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention investigates the possibility they might have been exposed to Ebola in Sierra Leone.
The number could change as the investigation continues.
The news comes one day after an American health care worker who came down with Ebola while volunteering in West Africa arrived at a National Institutes of Health hospital for treatment.
"(The) CDC and the State Department are facilitating the return of additional American citizens who had potential exposure to the index patient or exposures similar to those that resulted in the infection of the index patient," the CDC said in a written statement.
The Atlanta-based CDC said none of these individuals now returning from Africa have been diagnosed as having Ebola.
The heath care worker with Ebola was in serious condition Friday, the NIH said.
JV Threat Is Growing

CIA says ISIS threat is growing -- the international "A" team is struggling against the JV's. Fox News is reporting:
CIA Director John Brennan said Friday that the Islamic State had “snowballed” beyond Iraq and Syria, estimating that at least 20,000 fighters from more than 90 countries have gone to join the militant group, several thousand of them from Western nations, including the United States. Brennan’s statement marks a change from the narrative the Obama administration has been pushing on the success of the fight against ISIS. 
At least it's just the JV team. I recall the president saying we could take them out in a "New York minute" if we wanted. Well, maybe he didn't say a "New York minute" but it was something to that effect.

This is not a political site. Do not make any political decisions -- like deciding to run for President of the United States or for the US Senate -- based on anything you read here or think you may have read here. If this is important to you, go to the source, generally Fox News or the Drudge Report. I'm joking. Go to MSNBC.

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