
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

First Really Big Casualty Of The Dockworkers' Slowdown On The West Coast: Hanjin Shipping Leaves Portland -- February 17, 2015

If you want to see how big a story this is, just google it. In fact, all you have to do is put "Hanjin" into google search box and google will finish the search for you. It's amazing. If this wasn't a blog about the Bakken, this would be a nominee for the biggest story of the week.

Hanjin Shipping is leaving Portland, Oregon. OregonLive is reporting: Hanjin Shipping officially leaves Port of Portland, taking vast majority of port's business with it.

Hapag-Lloyd still calling at Port of Portland for now; Oregon legislators continue pressure on longshoremen, port operators. 

The next concern: domino effect. How many businesses will go under / leave Portland because of this, which comes close to closing the port itself.

Meanwhile down south: I'm being told there are about 30 ships out in the Pacific waiting to be brought into Los Angeles and Long Beach (San Pedro Harbor); and another 18 or so ships at the docks in the two ports waiting to be unloaded. The Chinese are probably looking at the mega-port at Charleston, SC, on the East coast.

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