
Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Syverson/Gariety Wells In Siverston Oil Field

  • 20895, 2,301, Newfield, Syverson 150-99-36-25-1H, huge decline rate or choked back, t10/11; cum 249K 10/20; pretty much off-line since 10/15; remains off-line 9/19; did produce a little bit of oil, 6/19; remains off line 9/19; back on line 4/20;
  • 27481, 955, Newfield, Gariety 150-99-36-25-5H, Siverston, t10/14; cum 194K 10/20;
  • 27482, 735, Newfield, Gariety 150-99-36-25-4H, Siverston, t10/14; cum 204K 10/20;
  • 28606, 637, Newfield, Gariety 150-99-36-25-11H, Siverston, t10/14; cum 145K 9/19;
  • 27509, 1,222, Newfield, Syverson 150-99-36-25-2H, t10/14; cum 218K 10/20;
  • 27510, 1,201, Newfield, Syverson 150-99-36-25-3H, t9/14; cum 185K 10/20;
  • 28607, 483, Newfield, Syverson 150-99-36-25-10H, t10/14; cum 130K 10/20; off line much of the summer of 2019; off line as of 8/20; inconsistent production;
A Note to the Granddaughters

I am posting this while overlooking the Pacific ocean off Point Vicente, southern California. They are too far away and I did not bring a telephoto lens, but off in the distance three whales headed north. Three small boats in trail and alongside, tracking, following, photographing, no doubt.

Later: tt turns out I was wrong; apparently only one whale headed north, unless the board has not been updated:

Note: last year a record was set with number of cow/calf pairs at 286 northbound.


No pictures of the whale but a couple of pictures of the lamb we prepared last night. 

The paste included fresh rosemary and thyme (from live plants, in the little flower pot).

The marinated lamb just prior to cooking. 

The "paste" from Weber's Big Book of Grilling

To grill: high heat for two minutes; indirect heat for six additional minutes (at most), turning once.

Another Note to the Granddaughters

Back in 2000, we moved to San Antonio. Although we were renting, it was the first "real" house for us in quite some time. In addition, we were living in Texas. For the first time in maybe 20 years I began grilling seriously, very seriously. I even planted an herb and hot pepper garden.

I don't know how I came across Weber's Big Book of Grilling. I honestly can't remember if it was a gift, or if I saw it recommended in a newspaper article, or if I stumbled across it at Barnes and Noble. Whatever.

Without question, I can strongly recommend this as the only book you will ever need. I assume everyone who grills and uses a cookbook will have their own special grilling cookbook. However, if you don't have this book, or if you are a newbie to grilling, this is the book I recommend. And I've looked at a lot of cookbooks and have too many to count, including several on grilling. 

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