
Monday, January 19, 2015

Back To The Drawing Board For The Nation's Fastest Growing Micropolitan Area -- January 19, 2015 is reporting:
Officials are updating a comprehensive plan for Williston that is just a few years old, saying the original plan did not take into account the rapid growth that the oil patch hub has experienced.
The original plan, developed in 2008-2010, assumed there would be a population of 30,000 people in 2020. The city’s population has already surpassed that as people from around the country flocked to the western North Dakota oil patch in search of jobs.
Williston’s population has doubled since 2010, and the city’s physical size has tripled through annexation. It is the nation’s fastest-growing micropolitan area, an entity with between 10,000 and 50,000 people, according to the Census Bureau.
Back to the drawing board; the "old" plan just wasn't keeping up.

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